Elena Palumbo


14 Jun: Go Digital

What helps increase customer satisfaction, transform sales efficiency, and create a #sustainable environment? Digital signatures. Check out this infographic to learn why @DocuSign is helping businesses save time and money and affect positive change. If you want to learn more about how #DocuSign can transform your business, contact us at VANTISCO.

#vantisco #milan #italy #docusign #digital #transformation #business #docusign #infographics #signature


08 Jun: How Digital Transformation Gives SMBs the Agility Advantage

Digital transformation isn’t just for the big guys—it can help small businesses gain a competitive edge in the marketplace too.

Want to learn more about how the DocuSign eSignature solution helps small businesses thrive in a digital climate? Contact us at VANTISCO (sales@vantisco.it). @DocuSign #GoDigital

#vantisco #milan #italy #docusign #digital #transformation #signature

16 May: The value of moving to Azure

What’s right for you? With Microsoft Azure, you have choices. Run part of your business in the cloud, on your terms and your timeline. Pay only for what you use. Take advantage of free assessment and migration tools. #Azure migration has so much cost-effective innovation, we’d love to share it with you. Contact us at Vantisco.( Sales@vantisco.it)

#Vantisco #milan #italy #azure #microsoft #partner #assessment #migration #security #digital #transformation


14 May: Three Ways Technology Is Transforming How Governments Serve Constituents

Flexible and accessible technologies are allowing the government to serve both businesses and citizens more effectively. Digitizing processes has improved the way citizens renew licenses, check application status, and apply for business permits.

Read this article to learn more about how digitizing processes can improve your workflow and meet the unique needs of the people you serve. Then contact us at VANTISCO to see how we can help you meet your goals.

#vantisco #milan #italy #docusign #digital #transformation #singnature


08 May: Digital werden

Womit sorgen Sie für zufriedenere Kunden, eine höhere Verkaufseffizienz und eine nachhaltige Umwelt? Mit digitalen Signaturen. In dieser Infografik erfahren Sie, warum @DocuSign Unternehmen hilft, Zeit und Geld zu sparen und positive Veränderungen zu bewirken. Wenn Sie mehr darüber erfahren möchten, wie #DocuSign Ihr Unternehmen transformieren kann, kontaktieren Sie uns unter VANTISCO. #sustainable

#vantisco #germany #munich #docusign #digital #transformation


08 May: DocuSign Agreement Cloud for Permitting and Licensing

The typical permit process is one-third as productive as a #digital permitting process—yikes!

That’s why @DocuSign is stepping in to take the hassle out of headache-inducing agreements. DocuSign slashes through the red tape to simplify complex forms and creates a user-friendly signing experience. Contact us at VANTISCO to start saving time and money with a digital permitting process!

#vantisco #milan #italy #docusign #digital #transformation #agreeemnt #esignature


06 May: Modern teaching and learning

What is your education system’s digital readiness to support modern teaching? What connectivity stage are you currently in, and how do you progress to ensure success for every student? It can seem daunting but check out this guide that details strategies for the three stages of remote learning. Contact Vantisco to get started.

#vantisco #milan #italy #remote #learning #digital #transformation #online #teams


13 Apr: DocuSign Agreement Cloud for K-12 Education

As teachers and administrators, we understand that at times, prioritizing the education of your students while also handling sensitive student data, juggling program payments, and tracking down signatures can feel overwhelming.

By implementing DocuSign Agreement Cloud for K-12 Education, you can cut down on time spent sifting through paperwork while also reducing regulatory risk and improving the parent-teacher-student experience.

Contact VANTISCO to learn more about how digitizing forms and processes allows you to spend more time focusing on your students.

#vantisco #milan #italy #digital #transformation #esignature


29 Mar: Das Wie: Die digitale Transformation in Aktion

Veränderungen lassen sich nicht vermeiden. So verhält es sich auch mit der digitalen Transformation. Sie können es sich in Ihrer Branche nicht leisten, altmodisch zu sein – also stellen Sie die internen Abläufe Ihres Unternehmens auf digital um. Dank DocuSign war es noch nie so leicht, komplexe Dokumente zu senden und zu unterzeichnen.

Sie wollen wissen, wie unsere #DocuSign-Lösungen Ihrem Unternehmen zur digitalen Transformation verhelfen? Kontaktieren Sie uns unter VANTISCO.

#Change #DigitalTransformation #vantisco #Italienisch #Mailand